In case you missed it, Bilderberg 2001 came and went in St. Moritz Switzerland. Bilderberg? (you scoff) Big Deal? (eyes rolling). Who Cares? (hockey is on dude!) Truth is (for whatever that is worth these days) the worlds most un-secret/secret meeting of dignitaries, CEO's and royalty meets every year to "unofficially" discuss world affairs. Again, who cares? Well, in 2006, the CBC seemed to care very much. In fact on June 13th, CBC News Indepth, wrote a very revealing expose on the workings of the Bilderberg group. In the article, they give a little background information:
"The group decided that it would invite 100 of the most powerful people in Europe and North America every year to meet behind closed doors at a different five-star resort. The group stresses secrecy: What's said at a Bilderberg conference stays at a Bilderberg conference. The organization says that encourages members to talk frankly, without the worry that what they say will wind up in the news.
The group has assembled at least three times in Canada, most recently June 8 to 11 this year at the Brookstreet Hotel in the Ottawa suburb of Kanata. According to a Bilderberg news release, prominent Canadians invited to the 2006 conference included former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna, Paul Desmarais, CEO of Power Corporation, Gordon Nixon, president and CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada, and Heather Reisman, chair and CEO of Indigo Books.
Seasoned Bilderberg opponent, Jim Tucker of American Free Press wrote:
Last year, the Toronto Sun reported on Bilderberg attendance by Canadians again:
"At least five Canadians attended the four-day meeting in Spain earlier this month, including: CBC's Peter Mansbridge; former premier and ambassador Frank McKenna; Robert Prichard, the president of Ontario's Metrolinx; Indigo Books' Heather Reisman; and B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell.
Those choice Canucks sat down with Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Google boss Eric Schmidt and former U.S. Defense Policy board chairman Richard Perle, among 120 others from mostly Western Europe and the United States."
Wow! Peter Mansbridge? Well, certainly the pillar of Canadian Media would certainly come clean regarding all he'd learned about the goings on at Bilderberg. Finally, an upstanding, well trusted icon of the CBC would do what he had been trained to do.... report! Sadly, Mansbridge remained as stone cold silent as an Inukshuk in February. No truth for you Canadian truth-seekers! Too bad, it certainly would be nice to know what the former Ambassador to the US and Finance Minister-turned-ruler of Toronto Dominion Bank, McKenna had discussed at every meeting he had attended. What better opportunity to bolster viewership in the CBC than to shed light on the fact that Stephen Harper had attended Bilderberg in 2003 before his victorious defeat (aka minority government) over the Liberals in '06. In my humble opinion, Mansbridge (et al.) has some 'splainin to do.
Equally troubling is the notion that the newly "transparent" Harper Government (stifling a snicker) has failed at every opportunity to become crystal-clear in that interpretation. What exactly gets discussed at Bilderberg should be viewed as a threat to our National Security, our fundamental Rights and Freedoms as well as being Unconstitutional. Why hasn't the CBC chosen to care about this in 2011 and more importantly, the recent charges laid against war criminal Henry Kissinger by certain members of the Swiss Parliament. Perhaps Manbridge has become the new media puppet, regurgitating what the worlds elite want to tell Canadians and the World. Does this explain Mansbridges lukewarm examination of Benjamin Netanyahu over the issue of Palestine and the Israel peace process (watched it... ho hum)? Mansbridge's lack of reporting on important issues, like Bilderberg and it's relevance to world affairs, policy and economic downturns only acts to reinforce the so-called conspiracy theories. I guess if it walks like the truth, and quacks like the truth......
Youtube video: Henry Kissenger, Making of a War Criminal
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