Friday, January 15, 2010

They don't want us to Unite!!! - B. Marley

Had a rather heated debate with a friend on the activities of my favorite patriotic radio-show host Alex Jones (of  I came across a webpage linking Alex to the Zionists and criticized his friendships and business dealings with certain Jews....The page reeked of White-Supremecy.  While I have no real knowledge of the vocabulary used by anti-semetic commentary...I can use my common sense to discern a smear campaign when I see one.  What was funny to me was another article I read criticizing Alex as being a White Supremecist.  I guess when you can't attack the facts that a person is talking can always attack their character.

Not everything that Alex says, I agree with, but what I can say is that he is very well read, knowledgeable and neutral when it comes to religious affiliation.  Where Alex is not neutral is when it comes to attacking elite individuals who take advantage of the weak and usurping the rights of citizens, and that includes the freedom of speech.  What is ironic is that people like Alex, Lou Dobbs, Ron Paul and others are fighting to maintain the same freedom of speech that those who speak out about the above people enjoy so much.

The debate with my friend will never be about Zionism or White-Supremecy, from my perspective, for I have no opinion about which side is right or wrong...what is important is that the ability to say what we believe is maintained.  The fact that I can argue with my friend and yet still maintain an element of respect between us is truly what is at the core of our freedoms.  This above all else is what must be maintained.  Perhaps if we focused on our commonalities we might be more united than we realize.

Those who want to see the oppression of others continue, will of course defame those who speak out about oppression.  The oppressors want to divide and conquer...and if we can fight amongst ourselves, they just have to sit back and watch the mayhem.  Like Bob Marley said..."They don't want us to Unite!".

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